Friday, May 14, 2010

The Rules

So I finished my first week at my new job, which means I'm ready to start my next project.

If you don't know what project I'm talking, then you should scroll down and read all the details. If you don't feel like doing this, a quick summary:

I'm going on as many blind dates over the next few months as I can, and then I'm writing a book on my experiences.

And then, I'm going on Ellen (hopefully).

A project this big, with this many people involved, needs some rules. As humorous as I want my book to be, there are a few things I'm not willing to do. Here are the rules I've come up with up:

1. The person have been born and still be, a man.

2. The guy must be between 20 and 29 at the time of the date.

3. I can't have had more than 3 hours of direct interaction with the guy in my lifetime.

4. My safety can't be at risk by going on a date this the guy (i.e the guy can't be a creeper)

And now, a question for the 2 of you who read this:

Should I establish a rule number 5 that says that they guy can not know that I am setting out to write a book?

I see two sides to this:

1. A guy will be more himself if he doesn't know there's a possibility he will make an appearance in my best seller.

2. It seems a bit dishonest to go on a date with a guy without telling him the facts.

Regardless, I am planning on changing their names when I write about them, so their identity will never be known, but, I just can't decide which route would be better.

Awaiting your thoughts,



Unknown said...

Okay, So I think Rule #5 should combine both sides. Do not tell him he could possibly be in your best seller until the end of the date. This way he is totally himself the whole date and your not being dishonest because you are still technically telling him the facts, just at the most opportune time. Great idea, lemme know what you think.
p.s. I know the perfect guy for your first blind date that meets all of the requirements stated in Rule #1-4 :)

Anonymous said...

I think you should tell him that one of your hobbies is writing a blog about dating but that you never name names. This is pretty common, much less scary than a book, but still mostly honest.

BTW, I know it's been a while but I'm one of your cousins, Barney & Christine's granddaughter :) My mom (Kathy) sent me a link to your blog when you were traveling. So Hi! I'm super-curious to see how your project goes!

Jenny Lemmons