Sunday, December 21, 2008

Things You Learn On a Long Car Trip

Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock in the morning, my family and I left to go to Colorado. We spent the night yesterday in Salina, Kansas got up at 7 and drove today until we finally arrived in Winter Park, Colorado at 4. In case you're counting, that's 21 hours on the road, that's with stops though. Its actually only a 16 hour drive. Here are some updates from the car trip.

1. Apparently, I dominate at the Peg Board game.

The whole point of the game is to jump over pegs, removing them from the board, until there is only one left. I was the only one able to complete it. My dad tells me my great grandpa could pick out which peg he was going to leave on the board and still finish the puzzle. I am going to practice until I can do that too. Then, we can add it to the list of "Things I'm Good at That in No Way to Contribute to Society or My Life in Any Way."

In case you're wondering, that list doesn't really exist. But it could if I sat down and took the time to make one. List making could also be on that list now that I think about it.

2. I am extremely good at fitting into tiny spaces. I volunteered to take the back seat so I could sleep, not knowing that the back seat would be half full with luggage. If I was literally an inch wider, taller, or longer, I would not have been able to fit in this space. But I did it, for 16 hours. All I really have to show for this talent is some cramped muscles and a bruise on my butt for sitting in one position for so long, but at least I survived.

3. I am able to sleep in any circumstance.

I was already acutely aware of this talent given that I have slept on a tile floor, in desks, sitting straight up, small couches in the library, etc. But, I was able to sleep in such a tiny space for almost the entire trip, so I think its safe to say that this talent in confirmed.

4. My sister is an amazing source of useless facts. Today she new all the tallest mountains in the world and the US and their locations. In addition, she shared with us that 70% of the people in Japan live on 10% of the land or something like that. Please don't quote that fact, as I probably got it completely wrong. The point is, if I'm ever on Who Want to Be a Millionaire, she'll be my phone a friend, and she should be yours too.

5. I add Crazy Love my Frances Chan to my book rotation. I'm only through the intro and I already really like it. Be looking forward to some quotes and thoughts.

6. I found out today that I got a 4.0 this semester. I'm not really that excited about it, because I don't feel like I did anything to deserve it. Praise God that He helped me get through it successfully. Next semester is my final semester in the classroom, and I solemnly swear that I will put in more effort and try harder.

7. Tomorrow I am trying snowboarding for the first time. I have gone skiing probably 8 or 9 times over the last 10 years, and every year, I say I'm going to try it and I never do. This year, Martina wants to try snowboarding too, so I told her I would go to lessons with her tomorrow morning. I'm pretty nervous about it, so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I don't break anything. Keep your fingers crossed!

Hoping I don't pull a Sonny Bono,