Saturday, May 31, 2008

Some Thoughts

I'm spending the weekend with Nic and Jo and Jaron because both my roommates are gone and I hate staying in our house by myself. Its really scary! Plus, its fun staying in Lockhart with everyone. Its almost like we are a little family.

On Thursday, we watched Lars and the Real Girl. At first, it was funny, but only because I think that watching other people in awkward situations is really funny. After about the first 3o minutes it started to drag on too long. Part of this might be because I was tired. I might give it another chance, but for now, I'll say I wasn't impressed.

Friday I worked all day because my boss takes advantaged of the fact that I can't say no. After work I came back to Lockhart and we spent the night hanging out at the Pittman's. They are such a fun family!

Today, Nic and Jo went to Lampasas to eat with Nic's parents and grandpa, so Jaron and I just hung out around the house. If you've been reading Jaron's blog, you know that he is reading the book Lord, Save Us From Your Followers by Dan Merchant:

Today I picked it up and read the first two chapters. It is really good. I already promised Jaron I wouldn't steal it from him, but when he finishes it, I'm definitely going to read it. You should try to read it too if you get the chance. I recommend it.

Here are a couple of quotes that really hit me today:

"I know very few Christians who have faith in God. Most of the Christians I have met have faith in the Bible, and most of them have faith in their own mind's interpretation of the Bible"

This is from a man Dan interviewed on the street about his views on Christian faith and culture. How many times do we as Christians do this?

Here's the other one:

"As believers, I think we simply don't know how we sound to other; what's worse, we don't care 'cause we're right anyway-and to add insult to injury we won't listen. What if, with all of our talking, people aren't actually hearing what we intend? If we listened for a minute, we might understand how 'I want to preserve the traditional institution of marriage ' comes across as 'I hate gay people.' So what if we don't think that's what we are saying. If that's what others are hearing, what's the difference? I can't be concerned with whose faith it is-I can't accept this communication breakdown. Should the burden be on my lips or their ears? I guess it depends on whether I really want to have a conversation or I simply want to be right."

This one really got to me because I have a serious problem with thinking before I speak. I also am very opinionated. I wonder how many times what I have said, or the way I have said things, whether I meant them to be hurtful or not, have effected the ways others view God. Also, how many times have I sat down and listened to others people views on faith? I could probably count that on one hand. I used to think "Why would I want to listen if its wrong anyways?" This paragraph, and this book more importantly, is making me realize that it is much more difficult to have an effect on others views on God without a connection and a relationship. You have to be willing to share AND listen. I definitely need to work on the listening part.

Anyways, tonight we hung out at the Pittman's again, and Amy fixed us some amazing food. Also, tomorrow we are having pancake breakfast at church. Normally, I lose weight over the summer, but if I keep spending time out here, I might just gain 2o pounds. But who cares, I'm still looking forward to pancakes!