Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dog Vomit and God

I'm about to make an analogy about God using a dog throwing up. You probably think I can't do it, and maybe I can't, but I'm going to try and we'll see how it goes.

A week or so ago, Haley and I went to lunch at Jason's Deli, and we left Bella and Boss (Whitney's dog) outside in the backyard.

On a completely unrelated side note, if there was a support group for Jason's Deli, I would probably need to go, because Haley and I go several times a week, and probably keep the San Marcos one in business.

Anyways, I digress. When we returned from yet another delightful trip to Jason's, we discovered that Boss had figured out how to open the backdoor, and had gotten inside and eaten an entire candy bowl full of Hersey's chocolate kisses.

Mind you, this candy bowl held two whole bags of kisses.

Luckily, Haley's dad is a vet so we called him, and he recommended making the dogs drink hydrogen peroxide so that they would throw up.

I know that sounds cruel, but it's the dog's version of getting your stomach pumped apparently.

Anyways, after giving each dog a ridiculous amount of hydrogen peroxide (apparently we own dogs with super stomachs), they threw up. Bella only once because Boss only let her get about three pieces of chocolate. Boss, however, threw up more vomit than I have ever seen in my life put together. Literally, the first two piles were the size of a human infant. I took a picture, scroll down fast if you don't want to see it:

If you look really close, you can see that there are whole Hersey's kisses, and a good sized stick in the vomit as well.

He threw up four or five times, and afterward, when we tried to hose it off of the sidewalk, it stuck. It took quite a while to get it off.

Needless to say, it was disgusting.

So anyways, I'm sure you're all thinking, "Jenna, how in your infinite wisdom are you going to tie this into God?"

Well, here is goes blog readers.

I think that sometimes there are things in our life that God wants us to get rid of. At first, He tells us in the form of a simple nudge, then a gentle warning, then probably a hit over the head with a two by four.

I don't really know the exact process, but I think that if we ignore the warnings, God takes the things away, rather violently, not because He wants to hurt us, but because He knows what's best for us, and He wants us to learn our lesson and remember to listen to Him the next time

Similar to the way that we wanted to remove the chocolate from Boss's stomach. We didn't make him drink hydrogen peroxide because we thought it would be fun to watch. We did it because we knew it was for the best.

Maybe that's a stretch, but surprisingly enough, Boss throwing up infant sized piles of throw up taught me this.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that no matter what it is that God is trying to take away, a relationship, a bad habit, a habitual sin, pride, a refusal for help, whatever, God will find a way to remove it from your life. He doesn't want to do it in a painful way, but He will if necessary, because He is God, and He knows what is best.

So listen to Him.

I was now going to try to relate dogs preferring to eat their vomit to God sometimes bringing things we let go back into our lives when the timing is right, but that was too hard, so just know that I think that happens sometimes too.

Deep thoughts from dog vomit,


meredith said...

Jenna, this is one of my all time favorite posts!

P.S. this may be creepy, but I've been reading your blog forever, it's so good!
-Meredith Morrow