Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today we had a guest lecturer, and being the type of student that I am, I checked out the Google analytics for my blog instead of listening.

A few discoveries:

1. I have had a few visitors from other countries including France, India, and our neighbors to the north.

2. I have had visitors from about 25 of the states. My new goal is to get a visitor from each state.

3. I have a lot more readers than I realized.

The major reason for this post though? I discovered that most of my visits come from referring sites (mostly Jonathon and Nic) but the ones that don't come from search engines.

What are most people searching for when they stumble upon my blog?

How to save their dog when they eat chocolate.

This is because of this post from November here.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize if you were looking for a way to help your dog after they ate chocolate. I would hate to think that I wasted your time on my blog while looking for a solution.

What I can tell you is that the vet I called recommended a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide for large dogs and 1/2 a teaspoon for smaller dogs. If they don't throw up within 5 minutes or so, you can give them a little more.

I just needed to do that to clear my conscience.

Saving chocolate loving dogs everywhere,


Kelsey said...

how do you check the google analytics for your blog? i want to do it!