Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Heroes Day

Today was another interesting day. We woke up and had devotions. Today was another national holiday in Uganda, Heroes Day. Apparently, in Uganda, you can only be a hero if you’re dead so Benon had us talk about what we want people to say about us when we are dead. It’s an interesting question. I had to go first, so I didn’t have much time to think about it, so at first I said that I would want people to say that I followed Christ’s plan for my life and that I was a good mom and wife. Don’t judge me! I was under pressure.

After some thought, I think that I would like for people to say that they knew I was a Christian by my actions. That I didn’t have to profess my faith in Christ for people to know that I was a Christ follower. That I was a woman of God and that my home, family, work, leisure, and everything else I did represented that.

Another one of the Ugandans, Joseph said “Your life means nothing if you have nothing worth dying for” while he was sharing. I liked that.

I’m also reading In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day. Today, the chapter kind of went along with the devotions. I really liked the quote that said, “Are you living a life worth telling stories about?” Something to ponder to each of our lives I think.

After devotions we had evaluation time. This is basically a time for us to share what we think Empower A Child can improve on. We talked about making more team building opportunities, so on Saturday we are having a “No Talent” Talent show. It should be fun. We also talked about giving the volunteers an opportunity to do more personal ministries during the week. I am really excited about this opportunity.

After the meetings and lunch we went to Kids In Need home. Kids In Need is similar to Remand Home except that none of the kids there have been arrested. All the kids there were so cute and fun! We sang songs and gave a message and played with them. I talked with 2 boys named Peter and Yemen. They are really nice and I am looking forward to talking with them again next week.

On a side note, I am beginning to discover that my favorite game to play with African children is what I like to call “Faces Game”. Basically, you get the kids to make faces, take pictures of them, and then you both laugh at the pictures. Every kid I’ve met so far loves it, and so do I!

After Kids In Need we went back to the school from the other day and played soccer, basketball, football, and ultimate Frisbee. There weren’t many kids there so we only stayed for an hour or so, but it was still a good time.

Dinner was spaghetti and rice crispy treats. Unfortunately, the only marshmellow flavor they have here is strawberry (weird!) and it made the rice crispy treats interesting to say the least.

Brittney and I did the dishes tonight. It wasn’t as bad as I thought, but dishes definitely don’t get as clean here as they do back home. I’m pretty sure some of you would be disgusted by the level of sanitation we have here.

Tomorrow we are going to Katawalma children’s hospital, to a Scripture Union at a local school, and to take the 2 and 3 year olds at Sanuyu babies home swimming (I am uber excited about this). It should be a great day!

Today’s word: Yesu. This one is easy, it’s Jesus in Luganda!

Excited for tomorrow,