Monday, August 11, 2008

Back To Work

This morning, I took Martina to the high school to register for classes. We went through the whole schedule process, no problem, and then at the end, the counselor turns to me and Martina and says,"Would you like me to see if I can put you guys in some of the same classes?"

Embarrassing that I am now 21 years old and the woman that used to be my counselor still thought I was in high school? Yes. Yes it was.

Afterward, I took Martina shopping at the Round Rock Outlet Mall. Some of you guys know that I took a break from buying clothes after spring break to Mission Arlington. So far, I have kept that promise with the exception of the time I forgot to pack underwear when I went to visit Jaron and I had to go buy some.

Anyways, today I bought two shirts, they were cute, and on sale, but I am still slightly disappointed in myself. Still, 2 shirts in 6 months is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. There are a lot of boys that couldn't do that. Plus, the whole point of the ban was to cut back on spending, which is what I did considerably. I think starting tomorrow I shall take another break from shopping until Christmas. I'll have to buy something with all those Christmas gift cards.

-until next time