Sunday, August 10, 2008

Call Me a Nerd

So I finally ended my streak of days in a row of blogging. I don't know how many days I went. Maybe four? I'm over it.

This weekend was wonderful. All I did was spend time with my family, our new addition, and Georgetown friends. Martina is wonderful and very sweet and funny and if you get the chance to spend time with her, you should.

Today we went to Austin to have dinner with my mom's side of the family. Everyone asks Martina the same five questions, and although she is too nice to say it, I think she is tired of answering them. Poor girl.

Now let's get down to what tonight's post is really about. Call me a nerd or whatever you want, but I am extremely fond of the Olympics.

I literally sit in front of the TV and keep it on NBC the entire time. I watch sports that I do not normally watch when the Olympics are not on. Cycling, swimming, shooting, track and field. You name it, I'll probably watch it. I almost feel bad for Martina because I think that she thinks that that is what Americans do most of the time.

I like seeing the different outfits. I like picking winners with my family. I like watching upsets. I like how excited the announcers get over things like table tennis. I like when the interviewers ask the athletes ridiculous questions after they win or lose (what was going through your mind when...). I like watching athletes get excited when they win. I like watching the overly dramaticized background stories. I like EVERYTHING about the Olympics.

In conclusion, during August, you'll probably find me tuned into NBC.

The End.