Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ten Thoughts About the Olympics

1. I still love them.

2. I am so happy Shawn Johnson finally got a gold. I know life isn't fair, blah, blah, but it really isn't fair to keep competing and finishing in second by such a small margin, so good for her.

3. I'm really starting to like diving.

4. Did you know BMX racing is now an Olympic sport? I did not. They are getting rid of baseball and softball though. Logical? No, I don't think so. As silly as I think it is, I'll probably still watch. I'm hooked on the Olympics.

5. Today I read online that Spain had to change their swimsuits for synchronized swimming because they had lights sewn in, which was deemed an illegal accessory.
1. If they spent that much time getting the lights into the suits, I think they should be allowed to wear them.
2. More people would probably watch too.
3. Speaking of watching, why isn't synchronized swimming on TV? It's one of my favorites.

6. I feel bad for Sanya Richards. At least your fiance is 1st round draft pick, Super Bowl winning Aaron Ross, you still have that going for you.

7. One thing I don't like about the Olympics? The interviewers.
Dear Mr. Interviewer-
After an athlete finishes and they did not do as well as they had hoped, do not ask them what they were feeling when they lost. They were pissed that they worked for four years and then they screwed it up. They're disappointed, they're upset, and if I were them, I'd punch you in the face.

8. Another letter that needs to be written:
Dear Mr. Camera Man-
After LoLo Jones screwed up her chance at a gold medal on the hurdles and was still nice enough to give you an interview, do not go film her when she is crying. Clearly, she was trying to hide. Clearly, she did not want anyone to see her at such a low point in her life. To put that image up on national TV is just plain rude.

9. I might suffer from Olympic withdrawals when its over.

10. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Olympics, but everyone should go read my friend David's latest blog. It's incredible and I've never been more proud to call David my friend. You should be particularly interested to read this blog if you're a single lady. Anyways, click here


JCo said...

Aaron Ross is a piece of crap douche bag....i cant believe you wrote about that fag