Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big Announcement

So any who reads my blog knows that I am utterly obsessed with the Olympics. Tomorrow is the closing ceremonies, and I honestly don't know what I am going to do with myself. Probably suffer from withdrawals and try to curb those withdrawals with my new Wii.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic. Anyone who knows me also knows that I have a list of things to do before I die. It's a pretty hefty list and I do plan on completing most, if not all of them before I kick the bucket. One of the items on this list is to go to the Olympics, just to simply go and sit in the stands, because that would be fun and entertaining and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Originally, I would have liked to put win an Olympic medal on my list, but when the list was drawn up, I did not think this goal was attainable, and I did not want to set myself up for disappointment on my death bed when I couldn't cross that one off.

All that changed this weekend though blog readers, when I found out race walking is an Olympic sport. What is race walking? Well, to put in simply, its walking as fast as you can for a really long time. You can read more about race walking here.

At this point, I'm sure you're all laughing. Let me be clear, this is not a joke. I did some research tonight and to be one of the top 50 women race walkers in the country, all I have to do is walk a little over three miles in less than 45 minutes. To be the top woman, I have to do it 23 minutes. Maybe I'm cocky, but that seems pretty doable to me. Granted, to be one of the best in the world I have to do 12.5 miles (20k) in about an hour an a half, but I do have four years to train. I begin training Monday, and my first race will be October 25th in San Antonio. If I do terribly, then maybe I'll change my mind, but if not, then training continues.

Consider this my bid for race walking in 2012. London here I come.

In training,

P.S. Does anyone know of a good, cheap race walking coach?


Kelsey said...

how do you keep yourself from running? if i was racewalking and someone got ahead of me i wouldn't be able to control myself, i'd either start running or just push them down.

JMob said...

1. i think you can do it.
2. didnt know racewalking had coaches, but im pretty sure jaron would be an incredible coach
3. i think the sign off is a keeper